Al Rafedain Marine Services L.L.C

Al Rafedain Marine Services L.L.C
In 2002,AL-RAFEDAIN MARINE SERVICES L.L.C was through s[…]
Company details

In 2002,AL-RAFEDAIN MARINE SERVICES L.L.C was through successful in crew manning by Company’s Directors efforts & all staff of AL RAFEDAIN remains actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the company activity for crewing & other business.------AL RAFEDAIN firmly believes in "People", "Leadership" and “Technical Excellence" as the foundation of reliable and effective service.--As a result, the group has grown steadily over the years and been rewarded with ever increasing employee loyalty.--In selection of both sea and shore based staff, Seaprime Marine maintains an industry leading standard of recruitment and training; developing staff in a friendly, inter-active working environment, geared towards continuous improvement.--Whilst providing complete crews for ship operators / owners / managers fleet of vessels under our crewing agency, AL RAFEDAIN Crewing agency enables owners to escape the untested waters of Crewing Agent's as they are left almost entirely absent from the picture.--Most importantly, Safety always comes first. We take responsibility for the environment and our surroundings because we want to protect our planet for future generations. Responsibility also means honesty and trustworthiness. We expect all our people to do the right thing and never to accept unethical or questionable business practices. We manage significant values on behalf of our customers. We take responsibility for the job being done in a professional, cost-effective manner that preserves their assets and reputation. We also guarantee first-class training for our employees.

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Phone Number
+971 4 2389876
Mobile Number
Hamriya port/ NEW CUSTUM BUILDING office no:328 P.O.Box :21738 DXB