[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d15863.815700846382!2d106.83045!3d-6.26979!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0x652c3d4238f88266!2sPT+Perusahaan+Pelayaran+Equinox!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sid!4v1541140616834&w=600&h=450]
PT. Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox was established in 2001 as an Indonesian national shipping company. Our team of Indonesian and expatriate management and staff bring with us a wealth of local and international experience in all aspects of shipping.
PT. Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox aims to conduct its business with the highest level of ethical behavior and full compliance with governing laws and regulations.
PT. Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox believes that it is essential to act with integrity in all its activities, to treat all its Employees and Customers in a fair and respectful manner.
The Company aims to remain the first choice of its customers by:
- Understanding the changing needs and expectations of our Clients.
- Operating safely and cost efficient.
- Continuous improvement of our QHSE System.
- Objective development and innovation throughout the organization.
PT. Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox is committed to achieving the highest standards in all levels of its operations by regular audits and training of its employees. Particular emphasis is placed on providing a safe working environment and the consistent application of safe workingpractices to ensure:
- Safety of life
- Safety of cargo
- Safety of property and assets
- Protection and enhancement of the environment
PT. Perusahaan Pelayaran Equinox strives to achieve excellence in all aspects of its activities. The Company has for years successfully operating a complete Integrated Management System consisting of:
- The ISM Code
- ISO 9001:2015
- ISO 14001:2015
- OHSAS 18001:2007
- Contractor Safety Management System Certificate – High Risk by PT. Pertamina (Persero)
- TRACE Certificate
Selamat pagi🙏saya siap bekerja sebagai boarding officer pengalaman 9thn mengajarkan kpd saya🙏🙏salam
Apalagi kalau PPEQUINOX buka cabang lagi di Area Kaltim saya siap bergabung lagi karena saya pernah bergabung dengan PPEQUINOX Samarinda (2008-10)
Saya ingin melamar jadi Cook
Saya ingin melamar di Housekeeping Departement, sebelum nya Saya pernah di Kapal Pesiar sebagai LaundryMan, HK Cleaner & Stateroom Attendant…. sekarang Usia Saya sudah kepala 5…Saya bisa dapat bergabung di Perusahaan Bapak, Terima kasih.
saya pengen jadi pelaut melamar sebagai perhotelan atau barista..saya berpengalaman di barista saya ex starbucks.. ijazah saya s1 pendidikan apakah bisa
Ass pak/buk barangkali dibutuh OS di perusahaan ibu/bpk. Saya siap. Posisi saya ada di jakarta saat ini . TrimKasi 🙏
Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan di bidang dapur apa saja persyaratan yg dipakai
Kalau new hire buat selebity bisa ga pak?