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Was established in 1999 . PT.Tenaga Baru Nuansa Persada has obtained certified quality management System ISO 9001:2008 TBNP has become Indonesian manning agency that certified as Seafarers Manning Office based on Maritime Labor Convention 2006 from NKK Japan.
With a well trained crew and our standard of supervision and quality systems will meet the exacting standards of the various certification organizations, we are committed to offering the following quality crewing management services to our clients.
Our Crewing Staff are all experienced Merchant Marine Officers with extensive sea time and Crew Management experience. They are all familiar and certified with ISM Code Training, STCW 95, ISO 9001, MLC 2006 as well as related Maritime / Flag State legislation including the latest requirements such as ISPS, ISO14001, OHSAS18001,TMSA2 and TOTS.
With this managerial and logistic expertise TBNP can match and provide our clients with personnel which not only meet, but exceed their requirements. TBNP occupy our own building with total of 600 sqm office space where 100 sqm is dedicated for In House Training and assessment. We are now a certified ISO 9001:2008 company.
PT Tenaga Baru Nuansa Persada is dedicated to provide professional, global minded, and experienced seafarers to answer global wide demand of highly skillful seafarers. We strongly believed individual excellence performance mirroring strong organizational accomplishment. With our dynamic and dedicated staff, we will hold ship owners and ship operators’ trust as we say Your Commitment is Ours…
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