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PT. Aliyah Est Indonesia estabilished on february 2014 and our company is certificate by ISM, ISO 9001-2008 and MLC 2006. Based on the system and the manpower, PT. Aliyah Est Indonesia provides the Total Ship Management Service with a good quality for all type of ships, such as passenger, Yacht, Chemical and oil tanker, Container, Bul Carrier, AHTS, AHT, Utility, Supply, Tug boat, Crew boat, Accommodation barge, etc.
We Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Agent providing Indonesia seafarer to shipping community such as chemical tanker ship, cargo ship, supply ship, container ship, and also offshore and with the passenger ship.
Our Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Agent district to select candidate before run to the ship and necessary certificate standart STCW 95, and MANILA AMENDEMENTS of IMO and we guaranteee of our crew to hard work with familiar to other nationalist in the worlwide.
We would taking this opportunity if any recruitment of seafarer to employment your vessel in near future? We see you have a big potential to be our best partner mainly crewing services.
We look forward your positive response thanks.
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