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Bahari Kru Manajemen company is Crewing Management System it's designed to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 & MLC 2006 and all our employees are permanently trainned, tested & evaluated, in order to cover successfully all customers' needs & requirements and also in order to avoid right from the beginning future.
The entire crews supplied by Bahari Kru Manajemen are in full accordance with STCW 2010 and completely complying with all new IMO/ISPS/ISM rules and regulations place for Merchant ship, Passenger and Fishing Fleet.
was established on 2012. Companies engaged in Crewing Agency, Fishery, Supplier, etc. begins with the development of fishing industries world see that the longer the fisheries industries the more need professional fisherman to work on vessels, and therefore biggest organisation of Indonesian Fisherman Association set up the crewing agency is PT. Bahari Kru Manajemen for the fullfill of demand professional fisherman for foreign vessels of fishing industries