PT. Pakar Sinar Jaya is an independent recruitment agency, specialising in providing offshore marine personnel to the Oil and Gas construction industries.
Company details


PT. Pakar Sinar Jaya is an independent recruitment agency, specialising in providing offshore marine personnel to the Oil and Gas construction industries.

PT. PAKAR SINAR JAYA in addition is assisted by a substantial comprehensive database comprising of personnel who individually work in one of ten offshore disciplines. PT. PAKAR SINAR JAYA provides a managed personnel and administration service from our Batam Island office 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days per year.

PT. PAKAR SINAR JAYA aims to develop our employees to assist in the provision of a professional sustainable workforce for our clients and to the oil & gas industries.

Our goal is to develop PT. PAKAR SINAR JAYA through providing a quality of service driven by its workforce and vision, based on 10 years experience, within the offshore and personnel management industry.

PT. PAKAR SINAR JAYA interviews and recruits trained certified offshore agency employees taken from ten major disciplines to work on an agency basis within the Oil and Gas construction industries. Our aim is to develop our workforce encouraging recruitment from a variety of offshore professions etc.

Phone Number
+62 778 364413
+62 778 364413
Komp. Genta Plaza, Jl. Letjend Suprapto, Buliang, Batu Aji, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau
ZIP Code