ASP Crew Management GmbH

We are here to provide the high quality of skilled seaf[…]
Company details

We are here to provide the high quality of skilled seafarers, which the Marine industry requires and expects. We do this through our rigorous selection and training procedures thereby producing a large pool of qualified officers and crew with hands on experience on all classes of vessels including Bulk Carriers, Container Vessels, ROROs, Passenger Ferries, Crude, Product, Gas and Chemical Tankers--Crew Management Services--You may trust us to relieve you of all the training, certification and administration which is required to man a modern fleet of vessels.----Careers/Recruitment--We have the best vessels and excellent career prospects for you. All serious--qualified officers and sea personnel will find a suitable placement within CMS Crew Management Services.

Website Address
Phone Number
+358 18 620 600
Mobile Number
Paul-Dessau-Strasse 6 DE-22761 Hamburg Germany


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