Naftosol S.A. was established in 1979. It operates from its own premises in Piraeus as an Afloat Ship Repair Specialist offering repairs and conversion services for every type of vessel. Additionally to Ship Repairs the company undertakes successfully Steel & Piping works for Industrial Installations.----All these years the company holds a leading role in the field of Marine Constructions having cooperated with most of the major Greek shipping enterprises.----MAIN ACTIVITIES:----Steel Renewals--Piping work--Boiler Repairs--Hydroblasting, Gritblasting and Painting--Engine and Equipment Repairs--Electrical / Electronic system Repairs--Accommodation Interior / Outfitting Works (Cabins, Public Areas, Staircases, etc.)--Insulation (Fire -Thermal)--Air-conditioning / Ventilation--Underwater Repairs--Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements--Voyage Repairs--Cleaning / Gas Freeing--Office design back-up--Industrial Construction------PREMISES:--Naftosol S.A. operates from its own premises at Piraeus. The company owns the following installations:----Plate Workshop equipped with a 10 tons gantry crane (area covers 800 sq.m.)--Piping Workshop equipped with a 5 tons gantry crane (area covers 400 sq.m.)--Offices (250 sq.m.) on the first floor of same building--Storage area--Fully equipped facilities for industrial constructions at the region of Kavala------------WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT:--The company is fully equipped with all the necessary machinery to handle a comprehensive range of Marine and Industrial activities and to service customer requirements pertaining to Classification Societies Standards, such as:----Welding Machines 200pcs--MIG-MAG Welding Machines 35pcs--Cutting Machines 4m, 18mm.--Bending Machines 2,5m, 25mm--Pressing Machines 500tons--Forklifts--Trucks with cranes--Cherry Pickers------OUR TARGET:----"QUALITY AND SAFETY IN REPAIRS"----During these 25 years of success, our main target has always been to offer quality in repairs and it seems that we have accomplished it.----Naftosol S.A. was the first Greek Ship Repair Company to be awarded, since 1995, with ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Control Certificate by Q.E.C. All our services are of high quality and pertained to the ISO 9001:2000 standards, as well as all our office procedures.----In addition, our company has acquired WPS (Welding Procedure Specification), under BV surveillance, according to the international standards EN 288-3 and EN 288-2. Through these procedures a group of our welders have been certified by BV. Further more another team of welders has been tested and certified according to NKK requirements.----Regarding safe carriage out of repairs, we always take care that all Health and Safety rules are kept by all our members of personnel.--However, continuous improvement is essential to our success, so we keep enhancing our products and services in order to satisfy our costumers as much as possible.----ESPECTING THE ENVIRONMENT:--Naftosol S.A. is well aware of the great importance of the environmental protection. We use processes and materials which are intended to avoid, reduce, or control pollution, managing in this way to have a positive impact on the environment while successfully operate our business.--We are committed to continuously improve our environmental protection performance, reduce all types of emissions and wastes and to fully comply with the environmental acts and agreements.--Because protecting the environment is for us, not only a rule to follow, but an integral factor in the way we plan and conduct our business.
Naftosol S.A. was established in 1979. It operates from[
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