Genoa Maritime S.A.

Genoa Maritime S.A.
Genoa Maritime S.A. is a leading shipmanagement company[…]
Company details

Genoa Maritime S.A. is a leading shipmanagement company offering an extended range of reliable services to its valuable shipping Clients with extended expertise and proven track records in Oil & Chemical Tankers and Dry Bulk Carriers.----The company’s headquarters are located in Piraeus, Greece where all the main activities are run and co-ordinated for its Clients of various nationalities including Swiss, Italians, Germans, Greeks, Monegasque, etc.----Crew Management (officers & ratings) is managed through Genoa Maritime’s own office Genmarco Maritime Services Pvt. Ltd. located in Mumbai, India thus maintaining a large pool of Officers and Ratings, qualified, experienced and loyal to the Company’s principles.----Ever increasing stringent regulations developed year by year, necessitates an adaptive approach, which ensures our clients a trustworthy, safe, environmentally protective and commercially sound operational practice, both afloat and ashore.----Crew Management----Crew is the most important factor to achieve and maintain a safe and smooth operation of our Fleet.----We use stringent search and selection methods to ensure that our Seafarers not only have the required professional qualifications, but also the required personality and proficient English language skills. In addition, professional development and education of all crew staff is our main element which ensures that each Vessel of the Fleet will be operated at its maximum potential and achieve the best possible results with PSC, USCG and Vetting inspections.----Genoa Maritime S.A. has achieved throughout its years of operation a Crew retention rate well above 90% at Fleet level as a result of its well trained, experienced and qualified large pool or loyal Officers and Ratings.----INVESTING IN CREW MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION----In order to meet the ever increasing demanding challenge of all elements involved in Crewing worldwide, Genoa Maritime S.A. established in 2003 and maintains till today a wholly owned subsidiary company Genmarco Maritime Services Pvt. Ltd., located in Mumbai, India with the function of managing, recruiting and training all the Fleet’s Crew (Officers & Ratings). Our Mumbai Office is licensed to operate as a CMO from DG Shipping, a member of FOSMA and certified by DNV.----All Seafaring staff recruited through our company holds the required experience and all the necessary certificates and qualifications to comply with STCW 78/95 Convention and special endorsements.

Website Address
Phone Number
+30 210 4599814
Mobile Number
12 Filellinon Street, 18510 Piraeus, Greece