HORIZON TANKERS LIMITED SA is a private shipping compan[…]
Company details

HORIZON TANKERS LIMITED SA is a private shipping company operating from Piraeus, Greece. It provides commercial ship management services to a number of ship owning companies.----Horizon Tankers was established in 2007 as a shipbroking and shipmanagement company intended to provide international seaborne transport service of crude oil and Petroleum Products.----The Company is presently operating 8 Tankers of which-2 Modern Panamax Tankers Ice Class 1A delivered in August and October 2007 by STX shipyard, South Korea. They have fully epoxy coated tanks with a tank design that permits the vessels to change from transporting dirty products or crude oil to clean products faster than a standard vessel of this class. They are classed Ice 1A, enabling them to operate and navigate in ice of 0,5 meters thickness while maintaining a speed of 5 knots, thanks to the fully electronically controlled Engines MAN B&W 6S60ME-C with an output of 18,420 BHP.----Furthermore, is operating 6 MR2 product/chemical Tankers IMO3, built 2008 and 2009, fully epoxy coated with deep well Framo pumps, allowing the vessels to provide 7 cargo segregations including the slop tanks and a total capacity fo 53,527 CBM at 98 % pct.----The Vessels are trading worldwide and employed either on Time Charter or spot voyages by the Oil Major Companies and large trading Houses.

Phone Number
Mobile Number
24 Kanigos str Kastella 185 34 Piraeus - Greece