Aboitiz Jebsen Company, Inc. Shipmanagement Office

Aboitiz Jebsen Company, Inc. Shipmanagement Office
Aboitiz Jebsen Company, Inc. in Manila, Philippines was[…]
Company details

Aboitiz Jebsen Company, Inc. in Manila, Philippines was established in 1982 between two pioneers in the transport business - the hundred-year-old Aboitiz Group of the Philippines and the Jebsens Group of Norway.--The joint venture showcases the merging of the best of the East and West; providing integrated maritime services.----The greatest driver of Aboitiz Jebsen’s continued success is human capital. The company's multicultural team of top-flight technicians, engineers and managers is recognized for its EFFICIENCY, RELIABILITY and ENTERPRISE. Certified by the American Bureau of Shipping for being ISO 9001:2008 compliant, ABOJEB puts forward quality and professionalism on bringing ship management and crew management services to our customers. This is further confirmed by the consistent honor of receiving the Top Performer and Excellence Awards in the past years.----Propelled by the unique synergy of its worldwide network and a solid commitment to excellence, Aboitiz Jebsen’s business activities have continuously expanded over the years. Today, Aboitiz Jebsen is a leading international maritime service provider.

Website Address
Email Address
Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
+63 2 527 9980
Mobile Number
2nd floor, Harbor Center II, Railroad and Delgado Street South Harbor, Port Area, Manila 1018 Philippines