Accord Ship Management (Private) Limited

At the heart of Accord is our Vision to be a globally c[…]
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At the heart of Accord is our Vision to be a globally competitive shipping company offering cost effective management solutions committed to customer satisfaction. We strive to build long-term client relationships based on mutual trust and respect.----“ Total Quality Management is not a destination, but a journey towards improvement”----“The vessel is only as good as the crew” and to reinforce the importance of crewing we ensure that our people are well trained and meet the highest professional standards that are demanded internationally.----A Level of Standards----How do we continually offer this first class service to ship owners?----A broad range of technical and crewing activities.--A worldwide network of offices.--Our qualified seagoing and shore-based staff.--A continuous training process.--A close link between the client and the manager.--Commitment to detail.----Carefully Selected Crew--Nearly all of the approximately 2,000 crew members employed by us on board at any given time are recruited via our network of fully controlled offices.--The worldwide subsidiaries also ensure a close link to the crew employed by us and they deal with any problems, needs and requests of our seafaring personnel.--The flexibility to provide every client with an individual solution is one of our most important goals.----Recruiting system / crew selection--Our officers and crew are selected on the basis of their competence, experience, good health and their conduct record. Under our policies only those officers / crew who fulfill Flagstate and IMO, STCW 95 criteria are employed. This is achieved through a strict internal quality control system. Medical Examination: A thorough medical examination / medical test of all candidates is done in accordance with ILO / Flag state guidelines.----Crew Evaluation System and Personal Record--We maintain very comprehensive personal records of our officers and crew (in electronic data-bases and hard copy). The crew is evaluated by the head of the department and the Master at 6 month intervals. Superintendents attending vessels also prepare a detailed evaluation of all staff.--Policies of Crew Safety and Health--Accord has in house Safety and Audit Division which is in-charge of conducting safety and quality audit of ships, identifying non conformities and conducting a thorough follow-up so that the non-conformities are cleared and a safe working environment exists on the ship.

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+91 22 6141 3333
Bonanza Sahar Plaza B Wing, 3rd Floor, Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 400 059