Acomarin (Odessa) LTD

Company details

Acomarin (Odessa) LTD has been acting on Ukrainian market since 2007 and was established as a regional office in Odessa of Crewing Company Lapa Ltd (Riga, Latvia). Lapa Ltd is also represented in Russia with the regional office Lapa-Saint Petersburg . All our three offices operate closely with one another performing the main task to supply well educated and qualified seagoing personnel from Ukraine, Latvia and Russian Federation to our Clients.----Acomarin recruits mainly personnel from Ukraine for oil/product, chemical and gas carriers. And in return we aim to provide long-term employment and carrier development.--Our main Clients are Stolt Tankers B.V., Gulf Stolt Ship Management JLT, BW Gas FM AS, Westfal-Larsen Management A/S, Utkilen. We can offer flexible employment terms for our seafarers.--For our Clients we supply a qualified officers and rating as per ShipownerÂ’s requirements.----We take care about:--the candidate to have an appropriate valid documents as per STCW requirements--verification of candidates with regard to professional knowledge, experience, level of English language competency and other requirements of the Employer.--Visas, travel arrangements--Contract formalities--Crew changes planning--Crew insurance--Flag certificates (NIS, Panama, MI etc)

Phone Number
+38 (048) 785-18-20
Mobile Number
90, Ekateriniskaya str., office 13 65012, Odessa, Ukraine