Adamson (Phil) Inc.

Adamson (Phil) Inc.
Since 1968 our objective is the supply of qualified, pr[…]
Company details

Since 1968 our objective is the supply of qualified, properly documented and carefully selected Filipino Seafarers including full compliment of crew from Masters to Messboys for all types in acordance with the requirments Principals worldwide.--Being a third generation family business, we have done our best to produce and work under a family atmosphere. Hence, we believe in a strong connection with crew and family to achieve our desired outcome.--A very strict policy which Adamson (Phil.) Inc. prides itself on is that we do not charge any amount to our seafarers and they and their families are never required to sign for any cash advances before their departure or at any time during their association with us.--All crew allotments are paid ON TIME without delay as soon as the funds are received.--Our primary concern is geared towards the specific and individual needs and requirements of the Shipowners. We continuously strive to propose and hire only the best trained, qualified and experienced officers and ratings for all our principals.--The wages we offer are in accordance with the standards required by the International Labor Organization for Seamen and approved by the POEA. Our Shipboard Employment Contract contains and clarifies the full text and terms of employment onboard including a list of offenses and penalties.--All departing crew are fully briefed on the terms and conditions of their contract prior to their departure. All crew recommended by our company are interviewed and screened on their past shipboard employment. The names of the selected crew together with their previous experience are emailed to your crew department for approval prior to their departure. Crew can be interviewed, processed and ready to depart given ten (10) working days notice and in some cases sooner if the seaman is properly visaed.--Crew are also given prior to their departure, a list of duties and responsibilities for their respective positions which they are required to keep with them during the duration of their contract. All seafarers take their Pre-Employment Medical Examination from accredited government and POEA (Philippine Overseas Employment Administration ) accredited Medical Clinics to ensure the validity and accuracy of their medical exams. If required by the Principal, Adamson (Phil.) Inc. can supply at a very reasonable cost working gear to the crew consisting of coveralls/boiler suits, parka jackets, safety shoes and stewards uniforms.--In order to be of better service to our principal, we maintain a Seamans Evaluation Service Report which is completed by the Captain upon disembarkation of the crew. This report is sent back to our Manning Department for proper evaluation of the seamans ability and conduct onboard. Adamson (Phil.) Inc. maintains a computerized listing of all our ex-crew for our and the Principals ready reference.

Phone Number
+63 2 816 2316; +63 2 816 0794
11F Sage House, 110 V. A. Rufino Str. Legaspi Village, M.C.P.O. BOX 1707, Makati City, Philippines 1229