Advanced Employment

Advanced Employment
Advanced Employment is a staffing powerhouse specialisi[…]
Company details

Advanced Employment is a staffing powerhouse specialising in sourcing manpower. Our emphasis is on the recruitment and selection of industrial and technical staff. We provide access to qualified professionals, skilled, semi skilled and unskilled personnel covering a range of specialities to suit every industrial need.----Advanced Employment can help you increase productivity while controlling costs.Since 2006, Advanced Employment has been partnering with businesses and government agencies across the Middle East fill critical vacancies and bring an additional support.----Whether you need one person or an entire team, Advanced Employment recruits, selects and screen every type of employee, from qualified professionals to skilled, semi-skilled and entry-level workers. We can provide flexible, customized solutions for your temporary and permanent staffing to ensure every need is met .You get the most candidates while better controlling your payroll costs.----Advanced Employment provides every type of worker for these Industries:--Oil and Gas--Construction and Engineering--Facilities management--Environmental services--Manufacturing--Government--Financial services--Telecommunications--Digital technology

Website Address
Email Address
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Phone Number
+971 2 412 0444
Mobile Number
Al Sahel Towers, Block B, Mezzanine Floor Corniche Road, P.O.Box 44038 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates