AEGEAN BULK Co INC. was established in Athens in 2000 w[…]
Company details

AEGEAN BULK Co INC. was established in Athens in 2000 with a clear strategic goal: "the safe transportation of cargoes worldwide with respect to the protection of the environment and the health and safety of all employees”.--Initially the company assumed the management of three (3) Panamax type bulk carriers, namely M/V “AKROP” (63883 dwt), M/V “ALFIOS” (63408 dwt), M/V “KONSTANTINOS A” (71550 dwt).--In 2001/2002 four Panamax new buildings were delivered by Hyundai Heavy Industries namely M/V “EVANTHIA”, M/V “AFOVOS”, M/V HEPHAESTUS” AND M/V “POSEIDON” (all of 74297 dwt capacity) which were built with highly improved specifications under the supervision of Det Norske Veritas.--On April 30th 2010, another new building M/V “INSPIRATION”, a gearless Kamsarmax bulk carrier of 80283 dwt, was delivered from STX shipyard, which was followed by her sister M/V “INFINITY” on May 27th of same year. Two more sister vessels were delivered by STX namely M/V “INTUITION” on August 8th 2011 and M/V “INCEPTION” on October 27th 2011.--On September 19th 2010 Aegean Bulk took delivery of the first of a series of four supramax bulk carriers from SPP shipyard Korea, namely M/V “AGONISTIS” of 58399 dwt, geared with four 36 Ton cranes and four 14 m3 Grabs each. Her sister vessels were delivered as follows: M/V “ANEMOS” April 18th 2011, M/V “ALFIOS” January 4th 2012 and M/V “ARKAS” on March 3rd 2012.--On June 18th 2012 AEGEAN BULK Co INC. took delivery from Sungdong Shipyard in South Korea of the latest Ultra modern Kamsarmax vessel “INNOVATION” of 81308 dwt, equipped with the latest electronically controlled main engine by MAN (ME type). Her sister ship M/V “ANNA MARIA” of 81.804 dwt was delivered to Aegean Bulk on 16 August 2012.--At present the fleet managed by Aegean bulk in July 2012 consists of 5 panamaxes, 6 kamsarmaxes, 4 supramaxes.--AEGEAN BULK Co INC. is a member of BIMCO being also certified with ISO 9001-2000(quality), ISO 14001-2004 (Environment) OHSAS 18001 (Occupational health and safety) by Det Norske Veritas, and also has been awarded with the Green Award Certification for its respect and measures been taken for the protection of the environment.--On July 2012 AEGEAN BULK Co INC. becomes the first shipping company to obtain ISO 50001:2011 “Energy Management” certification standards by Det Norske Veritas, a global energy management system developed to continually improve energy management performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and conservation. Furthermore, Det Norske Veritas issued to AEGEAN BULK Co INC. fleet statements of conformity of Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP) with the new amendments to Annex VI of the convention for the prevention of pollution from ships (MARPOL) related to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from ships.--AEGEAN BULK Co INC. has also invested heavily in strengthening its management and crew with continuous training and education.--AEGEAN BULK Co INC. strongly believes that experienced and well trained personnel, both at sea and ashore, provides and guarantees the high quality of services to its customers' demands.--AEGEAN BULK Co INC. recognizes the importance of incorporating environmental issues into every day business decisions and activities and monitoring appropriate technology and management practices, which will enhance the environmental performance.--AEGEAN BULK Co INC. with the majority of its vessels flying the Greek flag, places grade importance to the tradition of Greece being at forefront of maritime industry.

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+30 210 3748 250
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8, Dragatsaniou Str., 105 59 Athens - Hellas