Alfa Ship Managers Pte Ltd

Alfa Ship Managers Pte Ltd
Alfa Ship Managers Pte Ltd incorporated in Singapore is[...]
Company details

Alfa Ship Managers Pte Ltd incorporated in Singapore is one of the Asian's latest emerging providers of Third-Party ship management services.----We Specialising in tailor-made solutions capable of coping with the constantly changing demands of today's marine trade resulted Alfa with the steady increasing tonnage portfolio. We currently provide full technical and commercial management for more than 17 ships employed throughout the world.----Supported by a team of highly experienced professionals, Our ship Management has the capacity to operate all types of cargo.This has earned us a reputation of being the owners' preferred partner.

Website Address
Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
(+065) 6509-3909; (+065) 961-50411
Mobile Number
33 UBI AVENUE 3 Unit #06-43, VERTEX Singapore 408868