Allianz Middle East Ship Management LLC

Allianz Middle East Ship Management LLC
What do we do at The Allianz Group? The short answer is[…]
Company details

What do we do at The Allianz Group? The short answer is that we are a leading contractor who provides marine vessels, offshore logistic and other petroleum services to the Oil & Gas and offshore construction industry. But that’s really only the start of it. What we really do is look at each project as a whole, tailor the solution for every single client and offer our experience and expertise to make a critical difference in the supply chain at every stage. That makes us unique. We work hard to build trust and relationships and are proud to have set a benchmark of excellence within our industry.--Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, Allianz operations cover the wider GCC region, India, Egypt and West Africa. We own and operate a young fleet of modern vessels and barges augmented by our ability to offer complete offshore logistic solutions and supply base operations, furthermore we offer our customers top-tier oil field services including equipment and tools.

Email Address
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Phone Number
+971 2 6329995
Mobile Number
M004, Silver Wave Tower, Mina Road - Abu Dhabi - UAE P.O.Box: 26874 Abu Dhabi