AMD Offshore GmbH

AMD Offshore GmbH
The efficiency of a shipping company is not fundamental[…]
Company details

The efficiency of a shipping company is not fundamental in its size and number of employees,but in the quality of work, the motivation of each individual and not least in the lean organization with clear structures. These skills are essential to be economically successful.--The AMD Offshore GmbH offers ship owners the complete technical and commercial management of special ships. Ships will be registered under the relevant flag state regulations and then put into service. In daily use, the ships are comprehensively supplied to guarantee a smooth flow. The main focus is on the vessels used for the construction and operation of offshore wind parks. Also vessels in the wide field of surveying or research, ROV support, accommodation and Lightweight Construction Support can be operated by the AMD Offshore GmbH. AMD Offshore GmbH offers services from a single source.--The aim of AMD Offshore GmbH is to provide customers with above-average services on the basis of the founders’ existing expertise. The particular benefit for the client is that he can focus on his actual core competencies, such as surveying or construction services in the field of offshore wind energy, while AMD Offshore GmbH ensures the technical operational readiness of the ship.--Vessel Management--Technical Management--Crew Management (no seafarer recruitment and placement as per § 24 ff. Seearbeitsgesetz and MLC)--Vessel Accounting--24/7 Operation--Project Management--HSQE Development--Project Engineering--Vessel Mobilization/ Demobilization--Supervising & Coordination--Consulting--Optimized Vessel Selection--Suitability Survey--German Regulations--Tendering Support--Port Agency--Specialized in small vessels--Supply & Service--Crew Changes--Warm/ Cold Stacking

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Duisburger Str. 4 28199 Bremen Germany