American Ship Management, LLC

American Ship Management, LLC
American Ship Management, LLC is Patriot’s commercial s[…]
Company details

American Ship Management, LLC is Patriot’s commercial ship management company. ASM currently manages the ITB MOKU PAHU for Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, transporting sugar, molasses and related products from the island of Maui, Hawai'i, to the United States west coast. ASM’s record of successful commercial ship management goes back to 1997, when we began to manage the eleven ships of the US flag commercial fleet of American President Lines. As is the case with Patriot Contract Services, LLC, ASM’s goals are to maximize safety and efficiency.

Website Address
Email Address
Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
+1 925 296 2000
Mobile Number
2175 N. California Boulevard, Suite 1000, Walnut Creek, CA 94596-3679, U.S.A.