AMNGR Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka

AMNGR Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka
Company «Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka» was founded in 1979[…]
Company details

Company «Arktikmorneftegazrazvedka» was founded in 1979 for prospecting, exploration and development of oil and gas fields on the Russian Arctic Seas shelf.-- -- The main result of the Enterprise’s activity within the past 31 year has been a discovery of a new large raw material base of the Russian oil and gas industry on the Barents and Kara Sea shelf, which is comparable by its potential with the adjacent areas of the Western Siberia and European North.-- -- By the performed drilling operations, 15 oil, gas, gas-condensate and oil-and- gas fields were discovered. Hydrocarbon raw in the amount of 6,8 bln. tons in oil equivalent have been put on the state record keeping. In 1987, for the first time, under the conditions of the Russian arctic shelf, the Enterprise commenced commercial oil production on the Island of Kolguev.-- -- Nowadays, JSC «AMNGR» is an enterprise in the Russian Federation able to provide by its own resources the performance of offshore exploratory works in complex, including well designing and construction, scientific processing of obtained data and reserves estimation.-- -- For conducting offshore operations, JSC «AMNGR» possesses special-purpose fleet comprising 24 various-purpose vessels, including the drill ship “Valentin Shashin” and the jack-up “Murmanskaya”. OJSC «AMNGR» has a production base with a well developed onshore infrastructure, that allows to perform the whole complex of works on keeping production facilities in operating condition.-- -- More than 900 persons work at the Enterprise. It is staffed with qualified engineers able to provide successful carrying out of all set tasks. Training of the working personnel is conducted at the Vocational and Training School, being a part of the Enterprise, where within the period of 1980-2010 more than 27 thousand of people have been trained.-- -- The rich field experience of JSC «AMNGR»’s personnel, the material and technical base and the specialists’ high professionalism allow the Enterprise to tackle successfully various tasks on development of oil-and-gas potential of the Russian shelf, as well as of foreign countries.-- -- One of the main directions of JSC «AMNGR»’s activity is the contractual work for outside organizations. Today, «AMNGR»’s vessels and drilling rigs operate at the foreign and local markets. The geography of «AMNGR»’s activity is extended and includes Europe, Africa and South-East Asia waters. The main types of activity are drilling of prospecting and exploratory well, support of drilling rigs, bunkering of vessels on the roads, search-and rescue operations, participation in salvage operations.-- -- «AMNGR»’s vessels and drilling rigs are in demand and have a high reputation, that allows them to compete with the similar foreign units.-- -- In the nearest future JSC «AMNGR» is going to expand the service market in South-East Asia is considered as a perspective area.

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Phone Number
+7(8152) 55-20-02
Mobile Number
Knipovicha str., 33/3, 183039, Murmansk, Russia.