Anbros Maritime S.A.

Anbros Maritime S.A.
Anbros Maritime S.A., based in Maroussi, Athens Greece,[…]
Company details

Anbros Maritime S.A., based in Maroussi, Athens Greece, is a privately owned company, engaged in ship management and the worldwide seaborne transportation of dry bulk raw materials and commodities. These activities are carried out through its managed fleet, currently consisting of Handysize, Handymax, Supramax and Panamax Vessels.----The Company’s in-depth knowledge of the shipping industry, spanning over 75 years, guarantees competent and reliable support to all its customers and business associates. Committed to maintaining a safe and competitive fleet among its global shipping activities, its most valuable assets are the human resources, who, based in the offices, on board the vessels, or ashore, are qualified to meet every challenge with excellent technical expertise and outstanding dedication.----In compliance with international shipping developments, in the ever intense and complex global shipping environment, Anbros manages its fleet in strict and up-to-date conformity with international rules and regulations. The Company’s enhanced Planned Maintenance System (PMS) and the continuous monitoring of the condition and performance of vessels are a key element to ensuring the high quality standards it has set. Anbros' Safety Management System is certified by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK).----The quality of its fleet and reputation for dependability have lead to long-established relationships with its customers, resulting in Anbros vessels being continuously in demand and employed by major Charterers. Since 1977, all chartering activities of the Company, have been exclusively undertaken by its affiliated company Solemare Shipping Co. S.A.----Anbros Maritime S.A. is a member of the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS), an Owner Member of the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), while the Company Principals are presently Members of the Board of Directors of UGS, BIMCO and ECSA (European Community Shipowners' Associations).--VISION----Anbros Maritime S.A. is dedicated to developing reliable and value-added services, and meeting the growing demands for safe and efficient ship operation and quality management. Anbros' goal is the expansion and renewal of its fleet by taking advantage of the opportunities in the shipping market, enhancing its established customer relations, meeting the specific needs of the customer, expanding into new trades, transporting a wider variety of bulk commodities and cultivating relationships with new customers.--MISSION STATEMENT----To provide a World Class Shipping Service, meeting the specific needs of our customers, operating our fleet with safety, quality and efficiency in an environmentally friendly manner, while adding value and sustaining growth for each shareholder.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+30 210 4284100
Mobile Number
116 Kolokotroni Street , & II Merarchias Street, 3rd floor, 185 35 Piraeus, Greece