Arctica Supply & Services LLC

Arctica Supply & Services LLC
"Arctica Supply & Services", LLC, which provides servic[…]
Company details

"Arctica Supply & Services", LLC, which provides services to shipping companies on search and selection specialists located in Rostov- on-Don, in the port city , one of the largest cities in Russia . The company was established July 9, 2007, license number 20109611076 .-- We will help you quickly and efficiently resolve issues of your employment . Sailor , even with a narrow specialization can find the right place to find a job easily , even if his future employer is on the other side of the world .-- -- Field of activity:-- "Arctic Supplies and Services " operates on search and placement of seafarers and technical personnel on ships : the river and the Navy, working under Russian and foreign flags.-- - Selection and placement of seafarers ;-- -- Partner countries :-- Ukraine-- Estonia-- Latvia-- Turkey-- Cyprus-- Netherlands-- -- We offer a stable work on modern ships , attractive contract terms and promotions . The company provides timely execution and registration of ship roles.

Phone Number
+7 (863) 322-02-16; +7 (988) 899-55-55; +7(863) 322-02-16
Socialisticheskaya 52 A, room 208