Company details

Welcome to “AV MARINE LTD.”, a dynamic crewing agency expanding worldwide recruitment of high quality Ukrainian Seafarers all over the world, with a team of skilled professionals providing the highest quality of service.----Headquartered in Sevastopol, “AV MARINE LTD.” strives to meet client’s needs and to form strategic, long-term partnerships with our clients. We believe in satisfying our clients so we may continue to grow and prosper together. Meeting these needs is our driving force.----We are ready to discuss any your suggestions and conditions and hope to find a mutually beneficial solution.----“AV MARINE LTD” offers various crew management combinations which can be designed specifically to your needs. We can either provide some of the crew or supply a full crew complement where we take full responsibility for the entire crew. In all cases, we work very closely with you maintaining close contact so that a solid relationship is built up.----All of our crews and officers are carefully selected to meet the specific requirements of Owners and vessel types. Extensive interviews and testing techniques are undertaken to ensure you will have Competent, highly trained and reliable ships personnel.----In addition we can supply your good company with repairing and maintenance teams consisting of skilled and certified welders, mechanic engineers, motormen and etc. On all types of ships for repair and maintenance works both in Ukraine and in any country on your choice.----Selection and recruitment of skilled and experienced officers, ratings and the other marine personnel under high international standards for:--• Bulk carriers--• General Cargo vessels--• Container vessels--• Ro-Ro – PCC – Ro-Lo--• Reefers--• Chemical tankers--• Oil and Product tankers--• LPG--• Off-shore fleet----Our services include:----• Immigration and visa formalities, travel arrangements--• Applications for Flag State licenses and the other documentation--• Training courses arrangement--• Working clothes/ uniform supply----Our Marine Crewing includes recruitment of following personnel:----• Senior Deck & Engine Officers--• Deck & Engine Officers--• Deck & Engine Ratings--• Catering Crew--• Repair teams--• Cadets----Policy--It is a requirement of “AV MARINE LTD” , Policy that every employee, at sea , be responsible and participate actively in implementing and improving the quality management system to ensure that the Company's activities are conducted with high regard to the community and the environment.----The staff of Captains and engineers interview individuals of all ranks for jobs on the vessels. This is an important task for the Company as recruiting a good crew is a crucial aspect of its shipping activities. A competent crew not only assures the safety of the vessel but can also save many thousands of dollars in the cost and maintenance of a ship, and a good captain and his oficers ensure the vessel carries out its Charter Party commitments reliably, efficiently and punctually.--Cadets.--Our marine solid educational system based on Sevastopol National Technical University,First Ukrainian Maritime Institute allows to set up the period contracts with cadets of navigator, engineer and electric engineer specialties.--“AV MARINE LTD” has an opportunity to offer to our partners the appropriate candidates.--Drug & Alcohol Policy----The Company “AV MARINE LTD” has implemented a ‘zero tolerance policy in the use and/or trafficking of internationally controlled substances and alcohol abuse, for both shore-based and shipboard personnel.----A person is considered under the influence of alcohol and his/her performance impaired, when he/she has a blood alcohol content of 40mg/100ml, or greater. The Company requires a period of abstinence from alcohol to be exercised prior to any scheduled watch keeping duties or work periods, as per Company Drugs and Alcohol procedures.----All sea-going personnel, and shore-based personnel shall sign a declaration of acceptance of the Company's drug and alcohol policy. All sea-going personnel employed by the Company must undergo a drugs and alcohol screening test and pass it, before signing on.--If it is determined that a Company employee has or is abusing controlled substances or alcohol, his/her employment will be terminated.----We look forward to beginning a relationship with your business.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+380 692 557824
Mobile Number
4,Kerchenskaya Str.,office 1 Sevastopol, Ukraine 99011