Axis Offshore Pte. Ltd. Aberdeen

Axis Offshore Pte. Ltd. Aberdeen
Axis Offshore is a provider of high specification flote[…]
Company details

Axis Offshore is a provider of high specification flotels servicing the offshore oil & gas industry. Axis Offshore owns and operates the high-specification mono-hull flotel Dan Swift, which is currently on charter to Petrobras in Brazil. Previous charterers of the Dan Swift include Statoil and Shell.----Axis Offshore is also building two of the most advanced and modern semi-submersible accommodation vessels in the world at Cosco Shipyard. Each vessel will be fully DP3/10 point moored and has accommodation for 500 POB. The two vessels, Axis Nova and Axis Vega, are expected completed 2H15 and 1H16 respectively. Axis Nova and Axis Vega are designed and certified for full-year, worldwide operations in any operating environment. As well as the Nova and Vega, Axis has further options to build additional sister vessels at the shipyard.----The company is a joint venture between J. Lauritzen A/S and HitecVision, combining J. Lauritzen’s 125+ years of maritime history with HitecVision’s experience and networks in the capital and offshore markets. Axis Offshore has offices in Singapore, Copenhagen, Rio de Janeiro, and Macae. Axis Offshore also has a substantial site-team presence at the yard in Qidong as well as employing in-house maritime crew to ensure the smooth operations of the vessels. In total, Axis Offshore employs more than 80 people.

Website Address
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Phone Number
+44 7730 664949; +65 6580 2606; +55 21 3266 1557
54 Rose Street Aberdeen AB10 1UD United Kingdom