Beacon Ship Management Services

Beacon Ship Management Services was incorporated in 200[…]
Company details

Beacon Ship Management Services was incorporated in 2002 & registered under company act 1956 with the head office at Andheri (west), the well-reputed highly popular commercial district of Mumbai. Beacon is recognized as a niche provider of personalized high quality ship management services. Its skilful blend of technical ability and business acumen has made the company well known for its profitable and efficient operation of ships. The company is into training and developing human resources for international Shipping Industry.----At Beacon Ship Management Services, we recognize the importance of efficiently manning and meeting the demands of our clients. Forming a roster of committed and loyal seafarers for our clients, we provide trained, skilled and competent personnel specific to the operational requirements of our client's vessels.----Beacon Ship Management Services is complied by Quality Management System Standards BS EN ISO 9001:2000 and has trained more than 1000 seafarers so far.

Email Address
Phone Number
(+91) 22-26256604 /22-26205760
203, Sagar Avenue, above ICICI Bank, Opp Shopper's stop, S.V.Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai: 400058.