Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Indonesia

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Indonesia
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Indonesia is lice [...]
Company details

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) Indonesia is licensed by the Indonesian Government to recruit and employ Indonesian seafarers for employment onboard commercial and offshore-support vessels locally and internationally. Our Crew Service Centre provides services exclusively to the Schulte Group BSM’s Crew Service Centre in Indonesia was established in 2007 and has become a leading supplier of well-trained and experienced Indonesian personnel in the shipping and oil & gas industry. The Centre maintains a large pool of personnel with various positions to meet any manning requirement (individuals, teams or a complete crew). --Indonesia has the fourth largest population in the world. The country's population exceeds 240 million and its horizontal geographical spread is greater than that of the United States of America with a total land and sea area of five million square kilometers. As the largest archipelago with 17,677 islands, seafaring is still a highly valued and respected occupation within its wide-spread communities. -- --With a marked decline in the supply of marine personnel, developed countries, demanding ship owners, operators and managers nowadays look into Asia as the source of supply. However, Asia and in particular India and the Philippines are currently facing a shortage in supply, which positions Indonesia as the main alternative source for marine personnel. BSM’s Crew Service Centre in Indonesia was established in 2007 and has become a leading supplier of well-trained and experienced Indonesian personnel for the shipping and oil & gas industry. The Centre maintains a large pool of personnel with various positions to meet any manning requirement (individuals, teams or a complete crew). BSM Indonesia (formerly known as Hanseatic Recruiting Agency Indonesia) was established as an Indonesian limited liability company with approval from the Indonesian Ministry of Laws and Human Rights with the no. AHU-28932.AH.01.02.2008. The Centre’s business licenses and permits are issued by the Ministry of Labor and Transmigration with license no. 10/IOPJ/TK/JT/II/2009 to recruit and employ Indonesian workforces for employment domestically and internationally within various industries, including commercial ships, offshore-support vessels and oil & gas platforms as well as by the Indonesian National Board for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers (BNP2TKI) with registration number K15/PEN/X/2013. On 22 September 2014, PT. BSM Crew Service Centre Indonesia had successfully obtained the new SIUPPAK license (Surat Ijin Usaha Perekrutan dan Penempatan Awak Kapal), the recruitment and placement seafarers Agency's License No. SIUPPAK 3.3 Tahun 2014 issued by the Indonesia Ministry of Transportation after satisfying and complying with the requirement based on Indonesia' Ministerial Regulation No. PM 84 Tear 2013 for the recruitment and placement of Indonesian Seafarers onboard vessels and to the provision under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 and its amendments. Our Crew Service Centre is ISO 9001:2015 and MLC 2006 Compliance certified by Lloyd's Register. --OUR SERVICES --The onboard crew is at the forefront of all activities and the key to a vessel's safe and smooth day-to-day operation. --Our company understands that crew management is one of the most important factors in running the vessels and we are fully aware that safeguarding the vessels' and their owners' interests requires the highly efficient utilization of the crew. --Our tough but fair selection procedures, periodic appraisals, performance-based incentives, timely payments and opportunities for development all play a crucial role in maintaining an excellent pool of dedicated Indonesian seafarers. --We use modern search and selection methods to ensure that our employees not only have the required professional qualifications, but also the required personality. In addition, we are fully committed to the professional development and education of all sea-going and shore staff. --Recognizing that people will always be our company's most valuable asset, we concentrate not only on recruitment and employment but we are also ensuring that our crew members are best prepared to meet the highest and latest international standards of seamanship and engineering skills by continuously investing time and money in increasing the competence of our crew member with the appropriate training programs at our own Maritime Training Centre. --This is to ensure that all persons employed are trained to be highly competent in the duties they perform and are made aware of the importance of achieving quality awareness at all times. Various training courses are used by the company so that these values are maintained in line with our clients' policies.

Phone Number
+62 21 2961 7300
Mobile Number
Sentra Pemuda 5-6, Jalan Pemuda Raya No. 61, Rawamangun, East Jakarta - 13220, Indonesia