Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Indonesia) Ltd.

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Indonesia) Ltd.
BSM Crew Service Centre Indonesia was established in 20 [...]
Company details

BSM Crew Service Centre Indonesia was established in 2007 and has become a leading supplier of competent and experienced Indonesian personnel for the shipping and oil & gas industry and maintains a large database of personnel with various positions to meet virtually any manning requirement whether individuals, teams or complete crews. As an exclusive recruitment office for Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement with a fleet of approximately 700 vessels under full and crew management, BSM Crew Service Centre Indonesia offers excellent career opportunities and steady employment for professional, capable and ambitious Indonesian seafarers. BSM Crew Service Centre Indonesia recruits and employs all ranks from Masters to Messmen for Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement managed-vessels and offer competitive wage sales and benefits. All applicants will go through strict screening processes which include initial and final interviews, document verifications & background checks, computer-based evaluation and test systems and pre-embarkation medical check-ups. All applicants will be treated fairly and professionally and our company does not charge or impose any fees to applicants.

Phone Number
+62 21 2961 7300
Mobile Number
Sentra Pemuda Kav 5-6 Jalan Pemuda No. 61 Jakarta 13220 Indonesia