Black Sea Contractors Odessa

Black Sea Contractors Odessa
Company details

Black Sea Contractors - was established in July 2008 in Odessa, Ukraine. We are fully licensed by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine for manning activities. We are also certified by MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) and work under its conditions.--Since 2008 year we have taken part in lots of Maritime projects all over the world. Because of our experienced staff and highly professional crew we have reached success in work with European and worldwide shipowners.--All our candidates are fluent in English and possessing of all necessary professional skills, knowledge’s and documents required for service on-board.--Our goal is to expand our business to the highest standards of service and to develop kind and beneficial relationships with our potential and existing Principals, Clients and Employees.--We help with the recruitment of qualified seafarers, workers and specialists for many business sectors and offer all assistance you need to employ candidates from all over the world.--Black Sea Contractors is constantly developing our activities, which aim at answering the needs of our Clients and Partners. Our time schedule is flexible and available for every time zone.--Black Sea Contractors official partner and representative in Ukraine such companies as:-- - CSC-crewing (Netherland)-- - IPC (Netherland)-- - Flinter shipping B.V. (Netherland)-- - OSM (Sri Lanka)-- - Smit Lamnalco (Worldwide)-- - Norte Mare (Cyprus)--We are fast growing agency with well qualified personnel who can assist You in any matters such as selecting candidates, visa arrangements, tickets etc.

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11 D Govorova str., office 107