Boj Nessa Ship Management Private Limited

Boj Nessa Ship Management Pvt Ltd. has pool of highly q[…]
Company details

Boj Nessa Ship Management Pvt Ltd. has pool of highly quali?ed, motivated and dedicated seafarers, who are equipped to meet the demanding requirements of their roles and are fully supported by shore based personnel.----Our network of Crew Service Centres allows us to maintain close contact with our seafarers, to manage the recruitment and manning process as ef?ciently as possible and to achieve high retention rate.----We use stringent search and selection methods to ensure that our employees not only have the required professional qualifications, but also the required personality and language skills. In addition, we are fully committed to the professional development and education of all staff.----Structured training and development programmes ensure that crew skills and knowledge are continuously updated in line with changing legislation and industry demands.?----Our company BOJ NESSA Ship management Pvt Ltd was incorporated on 27 Sept 2016 with a sole mission of being recognized as a premier ship management company active in a number of specialized and diverse shipping segments.----Our vision is to provide to a variety of customers, either directly or through Business Partners and Affiliated companies, ship management services which are:--reliable--cost effective--meeting or exceeding customer requirement--in accordance with all applicable quality, safety and environmental standards--aimed at achieving zero incident and zero spill with continuous improvement--What would stand us out from the rest?----1. Our Cost-Efficient and Economic-Effective way to utilize our resources----Our primary function would be to provide ship owners with safe ship operations and pollution prevention services, while at the same time maintaining asset value, ensuring optimum cost-effective performance, and enhancing return-on-investment.--We would achieve this by assigning a dedicated team to oversee the budget, operation and asset value of the vessel on the back of our highly skilled technical management team.----2. Our transparency of our operations----Each vessel under our management would be unique and come with its own demands and expectations, we would work hard to ensure any information about the vessels is disseminated in the most reliable and transparent manner, and in the shortest possible time to our clients.----At BOJ NESSA Ship management Pvt Ltd, we would closely analyze each vessel's conditions and generate reports that are being diligently examined by our technical management teams at regular intervals. In addition, our superintendents conduct a full inspection on each vessel every 3 months, detailing the challenges and problems along with an action plan, which is shared both internally with our masters and chief engineers and externally with our clients to ensure that we are all fully coordinated.----We would bring up and immediately attend to any deficiencies and non-compliances found, maintaining the optimal value of the vessel and enhancing the performance consistently.----Simply put, we pride ourselves in the transparency of our operations.----3. We Save----Technical reliability and cost-effective purchasing are the foundation of BOJ NESSA Ship management Pvt Ltd.----At BOJ NESSA we do not believe in making short-term gains on cost that would have long-term consequences for the vessels. For cost effective management, BOJ NESSA reviews the major expense head and then works towards making them cost effective.--Ship management is a nuts and bolts business where continuous monitoring is key to cost efficiency and reliability.----4. We Earn----Once our vessels have sailed, our experienced team will continue to make close inspections of all areas - including and not limited to dispatch calculations, voyage reporting, and supply of marine fuels. As such, we make sure our first-class services are consistently and seamlessly matched and carried on vessels that we operate across the globe.----5. We Care----A cleaner marine environment We are passionate about and deeply committed to environmental sustainability. We truly believe that each one of us needs to be aware of and play a part in looking after the environment from which we personally, and as a business, draw sustenance.----Our goal is to work towards a cleaner marine environment, by serving as a role model within our sphere of influence, balancing our profitability and ambitions as a company whilst pursuing an aggressively dynamic environmental policy.------1--2--3--4--6. A Safer Workplace----Safety doesn't happen by accident. It follows a process that begins with understanding how accidents happen, and working to find the causes. And in our experience, most accidents happen not because safety policies and procedures are not in place but because some people lack an appreciation of safety itself.----7. Zero incident, zero spill, and zero-tolerance----In accordance with all applicable quality, safety and environmental standards, we firmly support environmental requirements established under International, Flag State, Port State and Coastal State Laws, and most particularly the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), believing that the first line of defense against pollution is to avoid accidents from occurring.----We aim at achieving zero incidents, zero spills, and we implement a zero-tolerance approach to any non-compliance and violations with this policy and extend all cooperation to authorities in the rare circumstances of this occurring.----8. Pollution prevention----One of the crucial functions of BOJ NESSA Ship management Pvt Ltd. is to provide ship owners safe ship operations and pollution prevention services.----A great deal of emphasis and funding would therefore be given to our qualified (STCW Convention) and efficient crew - both on board and ashore - who holds chief responsibility and pays full attention to the maintenance of our systems, equipment, and components found in machinery spaces of vessels.----9. Energy Conservation----We understand a proper management of an organization's energy, natural resources and waste has a substantial effect on its environmental performance.----Therefore, we strongly support numerous environmental initiatives to address the global problem of depleting natural resources and its impact on the environment. Moreover, as a highly sustainable group, we are committed to investing resources in carbon offsetting and creating sustainable resources, thus reducing environment risks caused to the Earth.----10. Environmental Objectives----It is important to manage environmental risks through preventions and measures. For this to be feasible, each one of us must assume his/her share of responsibility.----The above is just a brief description of our company’s mission and objective.

Phone Number
+91 2227830018
Mobile Number
128, Satra Plaza Plot. 19 & 20, Sector- 19/D, Palm Beach Road, Vashi, Navi Mumbai – 400703, Maharashtra, India.