Boss Lady Ship Management & Operation

Boss Lady Ship Management & Operation
We are service-oriented Ship Crew Specialists, dedicate[…]
Company details

We are service-oriented Ship Crew Specialists, dedicated to offering each of our clients our full attention and the highest level of expertise while ensuring that all the other stakeholders are being cared for at the same time.--Through hard work, professionalism, excellence, and integrity, the Lady Boss Manning agency will provide Shipowners with Globally competitive and qualified seafarers to ensure the timely and cost-effective operation of their vessels but also protect the interest of all internal and external parties related to the business. --Bosslady Manning Corporation is a diversified ship manning company with the main office in Calgary Canada, hub office in Dubai, and the Philippines.--The company is wholly owned by Filipino incorporators with wide experience in the field of Ship manning activities.--One of the ships manning that aims completely computerize system to facilitate faster communication between Seafarer-to-shore.

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