Brone Technologies Inc

A company is only as good as the human resource that ma[…]
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A company is only as good as the human resource that make it up. The only reason why an organisation is “here” and the other one is “there” are the people in it. It’s the people that make up a company that determine how far it will go. So, it is safe to say that the people you hire determine how high you can fly as an organisation. If you can not buy a Ferrari and give it to a 10 year old to drive, then why would you hire incompetent staff to run your business and source of income!--We are positioned to assist you in this area, from sourcing, shortlisting and screening to candidate selection and contract management, we can make the headache of finding suitable staff go away. We can, Yes we can!

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Phone Number
+234 812 908 3110
Mobile Number
4, Oye Balogun Street, Lekki Phase I, Lagos