CESM is a joint venture ship management company. Its st[…]
Company details

CESM is a joint venture ship management company. Its stakeholders are Sinopec-Kantons, China Shipping LNG InvestmentCompany Limited and Mitsui O.S.K Lines. CESM has been formed to operate and manage a fleet of eight (8) LNG vessels to deliver clean energy in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the loading port of Gladstone in Australia to receiving terminals in China. The primary ports for delivery are, Beihai, Qingdao-Shandong, Tianjin, Wenzhou and Lianyungang.--Alongside the world’s leading energy and shipping corporations, CESM aims to become the first class premier LNG marine transporter to deliver clean energy to china. We strive for excellence in every aspects, put safety as number one priority, emphasize integrity and responsible for the environment. --BECOME ONE OF US --In 2014, our HQ was set up here in Hong Kong. In this newly established, fast growing and multi-national working environment, CESM provides opportunities both for personal growth and career development. CESM considers its personal as the most valuable assets of the company. Wepromote team work, equality and harmony in workplace. Besides, we uphold high standards of honesty, objectivity and integrity. We welcome for those who are share our goals. --CESM's LNG vessels will initially load LNG from the APLNG project in Gladstone, Queensland, Australia and will discharge the LNG into any one of five (5) LNG terminals being built in China by Sinopec.--To deliver strategic, clean energy into China, Sinopec has entered into several agreements that involves the whole LNG supply chain. It has a 25% stake in APLNG, a 39% stake in CESM and its LNG vessels and a 100% ownership and operator-ship of its new receiving terminals. Sinopec needed to be involved in shipping to ensure it could purchase its LNG on a ‘free-on-board’ (FOB) basis, (purchasing the LNG in Australia and controlling the ships and the schedules to its five (5) destination ports).--Sinopec has a 20-year term, LNG sales and purchase agreement with APLNG to import 7.6 Mtpa (seven point six megatonnes per annum) of LNG into China.--COMPANY OBJECTIVE 1 - CESM'S SAFETY ENVIRONMENT AND QUALITY STATEMENT--Be a centre of excellence for the marine transportation of LNG from Australia to China and a worldwide pacesetter in terms of scale and performance by establishing a reputation for safety, integrity, efficiency, environmental protection and continuous improvement. --COMPANY OBJECTIVE 2 - CESM'S CUSTOMER ORIENTATION STATEMENT--Be the ship manager of choice for charterers' future expansion and future business opportunities, ensuring LNG vessels deliver on schedule to maximize charterers' upstream and downstream business opportunities. --COMPANY OBJECTIVE 3 - CESM'S EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT STATEMENT--Company's personnel will be given responsibility, opportunity and training to perform to their full potential and be proud of their contribution to the Company. --Together with the Company's mission and vision, these corporate objective statements are evidence of senior management and board of director commitment to the development and implementation of Company's integrated management system (IMS) initiative and continually improving the Company's effectiveness by providing necessary resources / establishing SMART* annual objectives / using the IMS' risk management principles.--(*SMART means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound)

Website Address
30/F Tower 2, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, NT, Hong Kong