Comex B.V.

Comex B.V.
F.V. the Groof’s import and export business was traditi[…]
Company details

F.V. the Groof’s import and export business was traditionally a customs forwarding and shipping agency in the port of Hansweert. In the end of the 19th century the need has arisen to customs clearance, particularly in inland and maritime transport. In that time, the channel was heavily used, many residents of Hansweert found their work. Hospitality businesses remember this period of time as a golden age.--Office Hansweert----over comex - hansweert Hansweert, and its location among the Westerschelde was seen as an external border. In 1971, the cooperation between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg arised; BENELUX. Many simplifications in customs matters between these countries took place. Because of these simplifications, the need was present for the existing companies to merge. This collaboration became; COMEX.----Office Vlissingen----kantoor vlissingen----Because of the limited depth for ships on the canal through South Beveland in 2001 a branch of Comex opened in the port of Vlissingen. This branch adheres export documentation and is also concerned with shipping agencies and export related documents such as EUR.1 and CVO.--The road to specialist----over comex - de weg naar specialist Since 1993, Comex has been developing itself as a specialist in customs. Because of the many changes and simplification of customs legislation and the flexibility of our team, we now have most of the (simplified) permits. Also in shipping Comex has grown. Since 2001, Comex also has an office in the port of Vlissingen. One of our strengths is trade of fruits and vegetables. Due to the volume of activities, Comex has a lot of experience, both in shipping as in the customs field.

Phone Number
+31 (0) 113-381351; +31 (0) 113-381352
Kanaalweg 8, P O Box 6, 4417 ZG Hansweert, Netherlands