Crewing agency Seven Feet Ltd

Crewing agency Seven Feet Ltd
Crewing agency «Seven Feet» Ltd is located in the cente[…]
Company details

Crewing agency «Seven Feet» Ltd is located in the center of Taganrog. Port of Taganrog lies in the North coast of Azov Sea in Taganrog Bay. There are regular shipments from Taganrog port to the ports of Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy and other countries.-- -- "Seven Feet" Ltd is created for the service of seamen, students of marime colleges and academies and other people, looking for job in shipping business. Our staff is well experinced in marine crewing, which helps us to satisfy needs of our clients in crew vacancies. The candidates are selected exclusively on their proficient skills and working experience.-- Success of a shipping company depends on many reasons, one of which is well-trained and highly qualified staff. That is why in our business we follow the rule: "QUALITY DONE IN TIME". The company strategy and efforts of our team allow constant growth of the data base and that widens choice enabling us to satisfy any order both seamen and shipowners.-- -- "Seven Feet" Ltd. is a dinamically growing crewing agency, acting under state license covering job services for the citizens of The Russian Federation abroad the country: # G000170 20107610970 dd 15.10.2007. We select applicants in accordance with international standards taking into consideration their job experience, reviews from last working places, knowledge of English as required for their vacancy and other requirements from shipowners. Our activities correspond to the international norms and standards. Our excellent relations with partners let us stable future perspective and enable us to offer You the job assisting to realize Yourself as a high specialist. We guarantee high quality of service and personal attention to each seaman.

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Phone Number
+7(8634) 327-041
Mobile Number
20, Gogolevskiy str. Taganrog Rostov region. Russia, 347900