DATI Yatirim Holding A.S.

DATI Holding combined with the belief of achieving with[…]
Company details

DATI Holding combined with the belief of achieving with its group of companies which signed the firsts in Turkey, maintains the high quality service understanding, customer oriented approach within the competition conditions with the principal of being open, just, honest and humble.--If you;--Want to direct your career with the trust provided by cooperation and sharing in the business environment,--Aim to be a part of both domestic and international brands which are leading in their sector,--Experience the preferentiality of contributing with your creative and new idea to DATI Holding displaying activity in sectors determining the directions of country economy in an environment where the thoughts are shared loudly, DATI Holding is the correct address for you.----DATI Family consists of individuals with high performance implementing its works with sincerity, developing new and creative ideas based on efficiency, following constantly the outside world and competitors and coming up with recommendations that will diversify the business and carrying the desire for learning and teaching and not directed by the change but making the change on their own. We are proud of saying that we are from “DATI” and being a part of this distinguished family.--JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN DATI--The common features sought in the candidates to be employed by DATI Yatirim Holding A.S. and its companies are primarily the characteristics in positive relation with the values of DATI Yatirim Holding A.S. in addition to education, technical knowledge and competences required by the institution or the position.----It is important for us that the person is dynamic, promoter, courageous, responsible, open for innovations, making open and honest communication. Being sincere, protecting the institution and holding, working creatively in intensive working tempo and producing new ideas are among the criteria evaluated with priority.----Our purpose is not filling the vacancies but adding the working mates that will share our mission & vision and corporate values.

Website Address
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Phone Number
0212 559 95 60
Mobile Number
Sahil Yolu 34158 Galleria Atakoy - Istanbul