Deep Sea Supply Management AS Norway

Deep Sea Supply Management AS Norway
Deep Sea Supply Plc (DESSC or The Company) is a Cyprus […]
Company details

Deep Sea Supply Plc (DESSC or The Company) is a Cyprus based offshore supply company. The Company operates a total of 26 Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels and Platform Supply Vessels.----The Company intends to become one of the leading owners and operators of supply vessels on a global basis. Deep Sea Supply Plc will primarily seek to obtain and maintain a chartering profile with emphasis on short and medium term contract markets for the large AHTS vessels. For the PSVs and the small AHTS vessels, Deep Sea Supply Plc will seek to obtain medium to long term contracts.----The vessels currently operates in the North Sea spot market, West Africa, Mediterranean, South East Asia and Brazil.----The Company (DESSC) is a public quoted company listed on the Oslo B?rs. The Company is incorporated in Cyprus.

Email Address
Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
+47 370 58 610
Storgaten 4 N-4876 Grimstad Norway