Drillmac Inc

Drillmec is an international leader in design, manufact[…]
Company details

Drillmec is an international leader in design, manufacturing and distribution of drilling and workover rigs for onshore and offshore applications as well as a wide range of drilling equipments. We are part of the TREVl Group, a multinational organization with more than fifty years of activity that counts on more than 6000 employees in 70 countries in a structure composed of five Group companies and 30 subsidiaries. Each company is specialized in a specific sector from the construction and ground engineering to the drilling fields. Drillmec's synergy and interaction with the other Group companies is essential Drillmec is a truly global company but remain deeply connected to our roots in the Mechanical Engineering Heart of Italy. Our international headquarters to this day remain in Piacenza, in the Emilia-Romagna region which is known the world over for its culture of engineering and its heritage of excellence. With the regions close links to the German and French engineering centers, our manufacturing and supply chain could not be better situated

Phone Number
+1 281 4070894
Mobile Number
18320 Imperial Valley Drive,Houston, TX 77060 U.S.A.