Duman Denizcilik Ve Ticaret A.S.

Duman Denizcilik Ve Ticaret A.S. That is incorporated i[…]
Company details

Duman Denizcilik Ve Ticaret A.S. That is incorporated in the structure of Duman Group of Companies with the aim of offering preferable and quality services as a result of proliferated trading of Ruhi Duman Denizcilik Ve Ticaret A.S.--Its basic activities are:--Shipping agency services,----Transit shipping,--Loading - discharging operations,--Lubricating oil, bunker, provisions, fresh water and material supplies,--Crew relieving,--Vessel maintenance and repair operations.----The business activities of the company cover attending Turkish and foreign vessels by well-informed and experienced, qualified staff in their passages of Turkish Straits and at the port operations, loading - discharging operations, transit shipping, lubricating oil, bunker, provisions, fresh water and material supplies, foreign crew relieving, maintenance and repair operations throughout Turkey.----Our company is proud of being a service organization supporting modernization all the times since its foundation, keeping abreast of the developments in science and technology, targeting carrying out its business within the legal regulations and achieved to gain its “self-confidence”.

Phone Number
+90 212 252 68 40; 0 533 716 54 00
Mobile Number
Yildiz Mah. Eski Yildiz Cad. No. 20 Deniz Han Kat 2 34339 Besiktas / Istanbul/ TURKIYE