It all began in the district of B?y?kdere at ?stanbul o[…]
Company details

It all began in the district of B?y?kdere at ?stanbul on May the 8th, 1966 when 31 year old Salim D?zgit established ?stanbul Bo?az? Vapur Hizmetleri to service ships passing through the Strait and staying on anchor at B?y?kdere Bay.------The company initially played the very-end contact with the actual vessel and for that reason the nature of its business can be regarded as ‘sub-agency’ acting on behalf of main agencies located in Turkey. This in itself meant catering various services to these vessels on transit via the companies own service boats and did require a very high commitment for the continuous provision of all these services whatever the circumstances 24 hours a day 365 days a year. In 1973 Group established a new company called D?zgit Ticaret to supply marine lube oils on 24 hours basis at local region. As years pass by the Group became the distributor for Petrol Ofisi, Mobil (later ExxonMobil), Shell and BP. In 1982 the Group extended its sub-agency operations to service ships on anchor at Ah?rkap? Roads at the South end of Strait of ?stanbul.------Kara Mustafa Pa?a Sokak 71, Karak?yThe Group’s share within this company was then later transferred to its minority shareholders for some specific reasons of the time. In 1984 under the name D?zgit Vapur Acental??? ve Tic. Ltd. ?ti. another company was established with partner Necati ?zer on the Strait of ?anakkale to service ships passing through this Strait. In 1988 having seen the need for a duty free & bondstore supplier for ships passing through Strait of ?anakkale, D?zko? Turizm ?thalat ve ?hracat A. ?., was established. In the same year the Group was back at Ah?rkap? Roads positioning its office at Turkey’s famous maritime district of Karak?y. D?zgit Vapur Hizmetleri A.?. was established to cater sub-agency services for ships at Southern Entrance of Strait of ?stanbul. In 1989 together with partner Necati ?zer the Group acquired a local competitor in ?anakkale, namely Denizciler Vapurculuk Ltd. ?ti. and since then has been the market leader of the sub-agency sector at Turkish Straits. In 1995 the Group moved to its current building in Karak?y making it the main head office for the Group.------M/V 'B?y?kdere' on 26.08.1997In the same year the Group purchased its first vessel M/V “B?y?kdere”. Beginning of 1998 the Group jointly with Bora Shipping won the tender for building eight naval academy boats for naval forces. In the same year D?zgit Gemi ?n?a San. ve Tic. Kol. ?ti. was established to carry out ship & boat building activities for the Group. Two small general cargo vessels which were bought through the privatisation of local state tobacco company TEKEL were rebuilt and converted into tankers in years 1998 and 1999. These two tankers M/T “Ece D.-1” and M/T “Sinan-D.” have then been operated under cabotage to transport various small parcels. In year 2000, D?zgit Vapur Hizmetleri Tic. A.?. was granted to act as an agent for one of the local major insurer, i.e. Anadolu Sigorta A. ?. In the same year, ?stanbul branch of D?zko? was opened to cater ships passing through Strait of ?stanbul.------D?zgit Business Center, ?anakkaleAgain in the same year activities of D?zgit Ticaret were transferred to D?zgit Denizcilik Tic. ve San. A.?. In the year following, D?zko? has moved to its new premises across the new harbour of Kepez in ?anakkale. Before the end of 2001 Group has acquired 50% shares of Maks Denizcilik Tic. ve San. A.?. owner of M/T “Maks Tanker” and became partners with Furtrans Group. Launching of M/T 'Concorde', 03.09.2002Between years 2002-2004 the two Group under Maks have built three chemical tankers of sizes 4500dwt, 30500dwt and 8100dwt. In March 2004 the Group started providing mooring boat services to ships calling at Izmit Bay under Dekas-Marin Romorkor. Later in 2004, D?zgit Group has sold all its shares in Maks and following a re-organisation of activities the Group started its new shipbuilding projects under company Duzgit Gemi Insa A.S.

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Re?itpa?a Mahallesi, Eski B?y?kdere Caddesi Park Plaza No:14 Kat:11 34467 Maslak - ?STANBUL