East Marine Private Limited

East Marine Private Limited
East Marine Pte Ltd established in 1986, are Specialist[...]
Company details

East Marine Pte Ltd established in 1986, are Specialists in Dredging and Marine Engineering Works.--Our headquaters is located at a 48,000 sq metres prime waterfront premise at the west of Singapore together with our associate company Asia-Pacific Shipyard.--Since its Inauguration, our company has been participating in marine projects worldwide, often providing expert and customized solutions to our customers during project execution and establishing its distinctive trademark for being an efficient and reliable marine contractor.--Marine Dredging--Our primary core strength lies in dredging work, East Marine’s fleet consists of specialised marine equipment for the collection, transportation of marine aggregate to undertake dredging activities. Our Dredging fleet consists of grab / backhoe dredgers ranging from 4 to 25 cubic meters in capacity and are equipped with special rock breakers which enables us to chisel and dredge through hard material.--With our strength of well trained and highly experienced group of Marine and civil engineers, we are able to provide and support the marine industry with our expertise in Dredging and Marine Civil engineering work.--Marine Civil Engineering--UNDER WATER ROCK DISCHARGING--The Discharging of Rock to the seabed is the basis for underwater foundation work or for the protection of submarine cables,pipes and trenchfills.--The EM group has this capability and Deploys its specialised Tremie Barge which can Funnel rocks to the seabed with accuracies of up to 30m in depth. This specialised barge is fully equipped with advanced digital positioning systems for precise discharge and is controlled by the experienced operators on deck.--DYNAMIC COMPACTION--Underwater compaction is a specialized way of solidifying foundations for the seabed after foundation rocks have been placed. With compaction, the sea bed foundation is then made denser and stable for the placement of civil structures such as caissons and underwater structures.--Our specialised crane barge “Narvi” fitted with a Vibro Tamper can exert forces of up to 105.3 tonnes and 16.8 Tonnes/m² to compact rock mounts to 30-40cm Below the Design Level.--UNDERWATER GRADING--Underwater Grading is a specialized process which levels out the sea bed for foundation works such as cassion placement etc.--East Marine with its specialized Self Elevating Platform (SEP01) is fitted with a special underwater grading system which travels along the seabed to level excess foundation aggregate.--Specially trained professional divers support this unique operation are essential to SEP 01’s workflow to ensure a smooth running operation.--Asia Pacific Shipyard--Asia-Pacific Shipyard (APS) operates on a total land area of approximately 48,000m² with a water front stretching over 230m. APS has a two slipways with a capacity of up to 4000tons and provides excellent berthing and yard facilities.--Our shipyard services division primarily engages in the service and maintenance of various types of vessels and marine going assets internally and also for external clients.--The Shipyard Services include the repair,construction, customization and modification of vessels for Marine Civil Engineering engagements/Special Surveys/Hull and Deck Repairs/General Maintenance and Fabrication of Marine Structures.

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+65 6778 1400 (5 lines)
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1 Benoi Road Singapore 629875