General Filters

General Filters
Our company General Filters is in the stock market sinc[…]
Company details

Our company General Filters is in the stock market since 1990. Our company "General Filters" represents & cooperates with all known European & American brands covering any filter application requested.----Marine Filters - Industrial Filters - Yacht Filters - Heavy Duty Filters & Special constructions.----The goal of General Filters is to cover the market's needs directly. After years of experience we have managed to have continuous stock of more than 10.000 different Part Numbers in our new facilities 5000 m2.----In conclusion, every special application, requires special construction as we cooperate with top European and American industries concerning our supply of raw material for filter construction.----We must mention also that our company General Filters is certified with ISO 9001:2008.

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11-13 Retsina str.