Global Cruiseline Jobs

The cruise line industry is the fastest growing Hospita[…]
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The cruise line industry is the fastest growing Hospitality industry in the world, with jobs for hospitality professionals from all over the world.--A cruise ship is like a floating resort, dealing with as many as 50 nationalities of crewmembers, from barwaiters, waiters, hairdressers, officers, entertainers and any kind of jobs that is needed to run a luxury resort operation.--As the Cruise industry is rapidly expanding in the last 10 years an enormous amount of hospitality professionals is needed and many job opportunities are created for young and dynamic people that search for a position and who want to advance there career.--Do not underestimate working on a cruiseship, it’s not for everybody to work 70 to 80 hours a week for 4 to 6 months. But once you have done your first contract and learned how to deal with International passengers you will grow professionaly and leave the--rest of the hospitality professionals ashore far behind you in experience and knowledge.--Besides recruiting we also give advice and training.

R.F. Wijffelstraat 20 5165EP Waspik The Netherlands