Global Maritime Consultancy ELP Marine & Port Consultants

Global Maritime Consultancy ELP Marine & Port Consultants
GM Ports and Shipping (Eagle Lyon Pope) is recognised a[…]
Company details

GM Ports and Shipping (Eagle Lyon Pope) is recognised as an industry leading marine consultancy with worldwide experience and a proven track record in providing advice to assist with marine related projects. We offer practical solutions by working with the client in a flexible, cost effective manner for successful project completion.----Global Maritime has an international team of engineers and mariners who apply their diverse skills and knowledge to technical and commercial problems. The company's aim is to find solutions to such problems using established engineering principles, advanced analysis techniques and practical experience. We have worked on major projects for contractors and consultants, undertaking feasibility studies, detailed design work and providing practical advice for marine operations. Our experience includes immersed tube tunnels, barrage projects, port studies, vessels and floating installations.----Our staff of naval architects, master mariners, and marine and structural engineers apply balanced practical and technical expertise in the fields of maritime civil engineering and commercial shipping. In-house we have a suite of sophisticated computer programs for numerical modelling, analysis and simulation.----Our team of engineers is continuously involved in mooring analysis, rig move procedures, anchor holding capacity calculations, etc. for owners worldwide. We assist owners/charterers in marine matters, and take care of such tasks on a contractual basis for several owners/charterers.----Anchor Handling----Global Maritime provides a wide range of services related to rig moves and anchor handling operations.--Computer Based Assessment----Global Maritime has developed an extensive web-based assessment tool for DP operators and engine personnel.--DP Capability Analysis and Design----We have helped to produce operational guidelines for IMCA and ISO on behalf of contractors and vessel owners. Our intention is always to make DP operations safer and more efficient, and to base our judgement on the real cause of problems.--Floating Production, Storage and Offtake----Global Maritime work as consultants for major oil companies and contractors in design, scheduling and costing of floating production, storage and offtake.--Geotechnical Design----Offshore structures need high quality geotechnical design to provide safe foundations, and economical fit-for-purpose structures.--Lifting and Weight Transfers----Global Maritime has experience in the design of, and as warranty surveyors in the approval of, a wide variety of lifting systems for marine structures, such as crane lifts, weight transfers by jacking or ballasting, and upendings.--Pipelines and Towed Pipeline Bundles----Our work has been particularly directed at the analysis, risk assessment and completion of safe offshore operations.--Platform Decommissioning----Based on our engineering expertise and practical experience Global Maritime is able to find safe solutions to challenging decommissioning activities.--Rig Move----Global Maritime can offer a full and comprehensive range of rig moving services.--Services for Jack-up Rigs----We have been working for major operators, drilling contractors and regulatory authorities, undertaking engineering, safety studies and marine operations.--Services for Semi-Submersibles----We provide engineering and marine expertise and specialist software for mobile rig operators and oil companies.--Single Point Mooring and Offtake Tankers----Our experience in the single point mooring (SPM) and offtake tanker market has included: design and specification, building and supervision of conversion, acceptance trials and safe operations.--Subsea and Diving Operations----Our work has been particularly directed at the analysis, risk assessment and completion of safe subsea operations.--Thruster Reliability----In 1995 IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) commissioned Global Maritime to carry out an extensive research project into the failure modes of CPP (Controllable Pitch Propeller) thrusters. The conclusions from the report have had a considerable impact on the industry and steps are being taken to improve thruster reliability.

Phone Number
+44 20 3465 2550; +44 20 3465 2501
Mobile Number
Saddlers House, 44 Gutter Lane, London, EC2V6BR