Global Maritime Management

Global Maritime Management
Company details

"GLOBAL MARITIME MANAGEMENT" has been present on the maritime market since 2000. Having been authorized by National Employment Agency in 2002, "GLOBAL MARITIME MANAGEMENT" branched out into employment agency for Mariners. In 2004 we extended the scope of our service, as GLOBAL MARITIME MANAGEMENT was signed up for the employment agencies registry by the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy as an agency providing overseas sea service for mariners.----The prime objective of our company is to recruit and employ most qualified and experienced mariners on behalf of foreign shipowners. It is a top priority for us to verify records of applying mariners and ensure that their qualifications meet the requirements and standards of the shipowners.------GLOBAL MARITIME MANAGEMENT cooperates only with prestigious shipowners from Germany, UK and Singapore, being cautious whether the offered conditions do not violate any international standards, conventions and mariners' rights.----All Seafarers employed through our agency posses high qualifications and documents confirmed by the National Administration

Phone Number
Mobile Number
Ukraine Odessa city, Radisna street, 19