Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd (GBS) Jakarta

Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd (GBS) Jakarta
Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd (GBS) was established in Hong [...]
Company details

Gold Bridge Shipping Ltd (GBS) was established in Hong Kong in 1990 as Shipowner, Commercial Operator, Ship Agent and Ship Manager. GBS is managed by a pool of highly skilled, experienced, and dedicated professionals. The team combined has more than 100 years of sea time. --GBS is recognised by major international chemical manufacturers and oil companies for its reputable management system which is “Delivers with Safety and Care”. --Since August 2016 GBS has opened its representative office in Jakarta, offering various of services to Indonesian shipping companies. Amongst all, GBS Jakarta focuses on providing full fledge Ship Management services to companies operating Oil, Chemical, and Gas Tankers. --CREW MANAGEMENT --With more than 10,000 crew databases with various qualifications and experiences, 2000 strong crew pool specializing in chemical, oil and gas, we are able to rotate the crews in the most efficient manner. --Amongst them, year to date, we have groomed collectively over 100s of Masters, Chief Engineers and senior officers from our comprehensive in- house cadet training program. We are able to comply with oil majors’ rigorous crew matrix requirements for officers, enabling owners to comply with oil major vettings. --Our in-house training center includes Full Bridge & Engine Simulator, Computer Based Training and TRANSAS ECDIS Type-Specific training with approved trainer from TRANSAS. We too carry out various Loss Prevention in-house training to benefit all stakeholders. Our officers and crews comply with Standard Training and Certification of Watchkeeping (STCW) 2010 Manila and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) requirements. --SERVICES --Technical Management --Crew Management --Commercial Operator --Insurance and Claims --Shipbuilding and Conversion --Sale and Purchase --Crisis Management

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+62 3006 0300
Mobile Number
Wisma BSG 10th Floor. Jl. Abdul Muis No. 40 Jakarta 10160