Golden Galleon Ship Management Services, Inc.

Golden Galleon Ship Management Services, Inc.
Golden Galleon Ship Management Services, Inc. has start[…]
Company details

Golden Galleon Ship Management Services, Inc. has started its operations on July 29, 2006 aimed to provide job opportunities to our fellow countrymen. The company has a primary purpose of engaging in the business of domestic and international shipping primarily crewing, manning conduction engine repairs/maintenance, ship management and some other marine related services. The company was registered in accordance to existing Philippine Laws as a corporation.----The company was founded and managed by a group of people with knowledge in the maritime business and with a vast experience working on different types of vessel’s sailing domestically and internationally. The company is being managed by competent, hardworking and dedicated staff with proven expertise in the field of shipping business.----However, our company now fills the growing local demand for an efficient dedicated manning/crewing and committed agents to render efficient and quality management services for the interest and protection of the ship owners. Being an agent we stand as the “ear and eye” of ships owner where we strictly implement the company policy, rules and regulation, duty and responsibility of crew to every manned vessel under our supervision. We are always looking forward to maintain good relationship between Ship Owners, Principal, Agent and Crew just to maintain the smooth operation of the vessel and to comply and adhere to our company’s objective that aims to fulfill the business interest of the Principal. Trusting our offered services will boost your business interest and growth of your company.----Management Philosophy----Golden Galleon primary function is to provide ship owners with safe ship operation and pollution prevention services, at the same time, ensuring optimum cost effective performance with emphasis on ship board maintenance by fully qualified and efficient crew.--Our Mission and Vision Statement----Vision Statement:----To be a company of distinction and leader in global maritime business through maximizing participation of onboard and ashore employees in the corporate strategy implementation and strengthening business connections with stakeholders.------Mission Statement:----Providing a wide range of maritime services to our customers who share the high standard of service.--Recruiting, developing, motivating, rewarding and retaining employees of high quality experience and dedicated work ethics.--Conducting our business in a fair and transparent manner, with high integrity, good corporate culture and commitment to safety and the protection of the environment.--Employing technology and innovation to create value for our stakeholders.--Systematically manage risks which helps to continuously define, monitor and improve performance to have the best possible reward results while been cost-conscious.--Safe operation of the vessels we manage, with no injuries, loss of life, damage to property or the environment.--To meet and exceed our clients’ expectations while providing excellent value-adding services globally for all our clients’ need.----Crew Management----Golden Galleon provides crew management services having in mind that crew is a key factor for the successful operation of any ship, and putting specific emphasis on the selection of senior officers and their rotation on similar ship types within the fleet. We established direct relationship with experienced and reliable manning agents, for the selection and enrollment of crew members in compliance with our strict quality standards, providing special skills and expertise whenever required. We draw and regularly update ship rosters, taking into account the vessels’ type and age, flag and trading areas.----Some of our crew management services include:----Selection and recruitment of seafarers--Roster management--Payroll management--Training and evaluation--Travel management

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Phone Number
+63 (2) 533-2792; +63 (2) 533-2793
Mobile Number
Room 312 & 313, 3rd Floor, Intramuros Corporate Plaza, Recoletos Street, Corner Cabildo Street, Intramuros, Manila 1002, Philippines