Haidahang Crewmanagement Ltd

Haidahang Crewmanagement Ltd was established in QINGDAO[…]
Company details

Haidahang Crewmanagement Ltd was established in QINGDAO, CHINA, in 2005. With over decades of experience before, it has risen to become a leading force in its field by adhering to an unequivocal commitment to quality and efficiency. The company is respected for its pioneering efforts in the promotion and implementation of crew safety of life at sea and safe ship and cargo operations .--The reference standards for this integrated approach are:--ISO 9001:2001;

Website Address
Email Address
Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
0086 532 82723166
Mobile Number
Unit 16,25F Parkson business building 44-60 Zhongshan Rd.Shinan Dist.in Shandong of China