Hansa Rederi S.A.

Hansa Rederi S.A.
Company details

“Hansa Rederi” was established in 2000. The high level of our services and professional quality of our personnel are already known in the cargo shipping sector. We are consistently providing officers & crew for respectable shipping companies. Presently we have more than 8,000 carefully selected active seamen on our registers and offer full and partial manning services, as well as one-off placements.----The high standard of national marine education in Ukraine and large number of experienced seamen made our country as an important and competitive manning source. “Hansa Rederi” philosophy is to apply the highest possible selection criteria and recruit only the best for its client. We have developed a very efficient organization, with constantly expanding shipping client base.----The head office of “Hansa Rederi” is located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. This location allows us to have an access to the most educated candidates.----“Hansa Rederi” is fully accredited with ISO 9000-2001.

Email Address
Phone Number
+380 (44) 247 4420
Mobile Number
47A Predslavynska Str., off.12 3rd Floor, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150