Hanse Ship Management AG

Hanse Ship Management AG
Not everyone can do everything equally well. The Hanse […]
Company details

Not everyone can do everything equally well. The Hanse Ship Management team of experts is formed depending on abilities and interests, with every team member be able to contribute his/her expert knowledge in order to put shared interests first. Work groups and tasks forces are formed during regular meetings in order to jointly optimise processes and solve problems.--Technical and commercial ship management form a symbiosis and round off a shipping company’s entire range of services.--Going your way, together--Strengthening strengths and weakening weaknesses together, without compromising one’s own corporate culture and identity. With this personal mission in mind, the Hanse Ship Management AG adheres to a tried-and-tested Hanseatic tradition. In times of challenging ship markets, it joins forces and forms synergies in order to take on new challenges using a joint strategy. This is the path taken by Hanse Ship Management AG together with its traditional, medium-sized family firm involved in maritime trade.--Nail your colours to the mast--Do you want to fly your flag under the umbrella of the Hanse Ship Management AG and be part of a strong collective? Every member’s voice counts equally, no matter the financial strength or the fleet size of each member. We can gladly provide you with information about the details and benefits of being a member of the Hanse Ship Management AG.--Ship management--Construction inspection--Nautical and technical inspection--Purchases--Quality and safety management--Crew staffing--Commercial management--Sales and purchases--Newbuilding contracting--Chartering--Financing--Currency management--Financial accounting/Controlling--Integrated financial planning--Reporting--Restructuring of finances

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
+49 (0) 4141 - 412 11 60
Mobile Number
Cosmae-Kirchhof 2 21682 Stade